Metabolism is the set of enzyme-catalyzed chemical reactions in living organisms that sustains life. Fellow One Research, The Four Body Types scientifically calculates Metabolism, both active and passive/resting, for each Body Type Shape Quiz/Test Research Participant through the FORMR (Fellow One Research Metabolism Rate) Adjusted Mifflin-St Jeor BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) Score (slow, normal/average, fast) and the FORMA (Fellow One Research Metabolism Activity) Adjusted Harris-Benedict Activity Score (decreased, steady, increased metabolic rate). This includes using the FORCA Health Score exercise variables, no less.
Passive/resting metabolism is known as basal metabolic rate and equates to the energy (calories) the average human body requires at rest to function daily. Active metabolism equates to the energy (calories) the human body uses for daily physical activities including cardio or resistance exercise as well as work/job/career activity. Diet, exercise, and lifestyle are key scientific data/variable influencers.
Insights from Gnosis: Muscle Mass, Obesity, & Body Type from Birth through Childhood into Adulthood
Insights from Gnosis: All Human Bodies are Not Born the Same. Genetically, Some Have More Muscles & Muscle Mass, Some More Fat (Obesity). Learn How The Four Body Types Are Scientifically Defined.