The disease of obesity is having too much fat on your body which takes you outside your safe BMI weight range. The skinny fat phenomenon means experiencing unusual fat (cellulite, thin fat, crepey skin, loose skin, saggy skin, normal weight obese) on your body, even when safely inside your BMI weight range. Normal weight obesity is defined as having too much fat on your body when within your safe BMI weight range, which carries with it many of the same risks as obesity.
Skinny fat people have stronger tendencies toward underdeveloped/weak muscles and muscle mass which raises the probability of being overweight or obese. Why? Some point to eating a diet that offers too little protein and nutrients. Others say it is because of a lack of proper resistance and cardio exercise.
But what about those skinny fat people who do get plenty of protein, nutrients, weight lifting, and cardio exposure? Yet, they still have trouble putting on proper muscle/mass while continuing to battle with being overweight, obesity, normal weight obesity, and keeping the fat weight off. And why are there some people who are loaded and ripped with plenty of muscles/mass while eating a diet that lacks proper nutrients and exercise?
Genetics most certainly plays a role.
Think about how many people there are out there globally, nearly 8 billion, with, in terms of The Four Body Types, all their different body types. Skinny, fat, and every type in between.
What if all human bodies are born with the same general NUMBER of vertebrae (33/26) and muscles in the body, usually 650? But each human body has different vertebrae/posture and muscle/muscle mass development? Meaning some muscles are the bare minimum in terms of proper development while other muscles are some degree between, if not fully developed, directly affecting posture, no less? What if mainstream science is wrong and every human being is not born in the Standard Scientific Human Body Anatomy Book Body Type One (BT1)?

How would this affect body type and shape?
Body Type Shape – Weight Loss & Skinny Fat
Stories abound of severely fat people who lose the weight and reach their safe BMI weight range for their height. However, it turns out they have serious skinny-fat issues, experiencing cellulite, thin fat, loose skin, saggy skin, and crepey skin — many are normal weight obese. These same people have serious issues in the long term successfully keeping the extra fat weight off.
It is very hard for them not to experience the weight-loss and weight-gain roller-coaster ride that many obese people report. Like some of the patients at the Brookhaven Obesity Clinic. Yes, there are many lazy, undisciplined people who are obese.
But, what about the skinny fat people who have successfully lost and gained and then re-gained and lost the weight? No matter what they do, they simply cannot get off the obesity roller coaster ride.
What if their bodies, and other skinny fat people like them, have the same NUMBER of vertebrae and muscles as every other human body. The issue is that their body, because of genetics, lacks muscle/mass development and in place of that missing muscle/mass is skinny fat. This means they are more prone to adding excess fat mass to their body to make up for the lack of muscle/mass.
Skinny Fat – Metabolism & Muscles/Muscle Mass
Mainstream science and medical doctors adamantly claim that once you are within safe BMI you are a Standard Body Type One. So, then, why do many severely obese people have so much skinny fat including loose/saggy skin when they lose the weight and are within safe BMI. Yet, others have much less if any at all. Where is the muscle?
Muscles/muscle mass are the backbone of metabolism. Metabolism is one of the main keys to maintaining and managing health and safe weight to keep obesity and being overweight at bay. A lack of genetically developed default muscles/mass is a detriment to metabolism because one (1) pound of muscle burns six (6) calories daily but one (1) pound of skinny fat/fat burns only two (2) to three (3) calories. Hence, why is more scientific research not being done to study how body types are different in relation to muscles/muscle mass development and skinny fat relative to obesity?
That is what The Four Body Types research is all about.
Take the Scientific Body Type Quiz

Learn More: The Podcast by KevinMD with Dr. Kevin Pho – Skinny Fat and Normal Weight Obesity