Body Type Test
How to know what your body type is? The Fellow One Research Body Type Test (female/male) utilizes real-world scientific variables to quiz, calculate, and identify which of The Four Body Types you are, be it a Body Type One (BT1), Body Types Two (BT2), Body Type Three (BT3), or Body Type Four (BT4).
Currently popular among the mainstream, the three body types — endomorph, ectomorph, and mesomorph — offer no real scientific basis and have been thoroughly exposed as false and unscientific. Just as the hormone body types have no actual science-based merit, although hormones do, indeed, affect weight loss and gain, be it muscle or fat. What those and all other body-type theories to date have missed is the importance of the genetic (DNA/genes) structure and makeup of the human body. The Fellow One Research, The Four Body Types’ Body Type Quiz/Test Calculator takes this into account.
How do I know what my body type is? What something is made of matters. The human body is no exception. According to most mainstream scientists and doctors, every human being is born into a Standard Scientific Human Body Anatomy Book Body Type One (BT1). The rare few human beings who are not have been specifically diagnosed by their physician with a physical deformity, abnormality, or the like. Thus, unless you are the diagnosed exception to the rule, you, like every other human being, are held to the perfect standard of Standard Scientific Human Body Anatomy Book Body Type One.
Standard Scientific Human Body Anatomy Book Body Type One – Body Type Test (Quiz)
But the Standard Scientific Human Body Anatomy Book Body Type One is flawed. Any part of the human body can be underdeveloped or undeveloped, including the spine, vertebra, posture (spinal/vertebrae extension), and muscles/muscle mass. If any vertebra(e) and/or muscles/muscle mass is underdeveloped or undeveloped, those specific areas of the body are more prone to fat accumulation, no less. Which in turn means such a body is more prone to obesity/being obese or overweight.
What is my body type? The Fellow One Research, The Four (4) Body Types Body Type Shape Test/Quiz (female/women & male/men) reckons vertebra, posture (spinal/vertebrae extension), and muscles/muscle mass development relative to genetics/DNA, diet (food/drink), exercise (cardio/resistance & work activity), lifestyle (sleep, hobbies, career, etc.), metabolism (basal metabolic rate/BMR), Body Mass Index (BMI), skinny fat (thin fat, cellulite, crepey skin, loose/saggy skin, normal weight obesity), and the like.
Learn More About How To Know What Your Body Type Is/What Is My Body Type By Taking the Body Type Shape Test/Quiz Calculator