Research Participant 660 – Body Type Two (BT2) Female (Woman), Generation Z

FORCA?Fellow One Research Combined Average (FORCA) Health Score which Averages the Self-Determined (SD) Health & FORC Health Scores [5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy]. This score is in beta testing.


FORTH?Fellow One Research Total Health (FORTH) Score [5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy]. This score is in beta testing.


FORMR?Fellow One Research Metabolism Rate (FORMR) Adjusted Mifflin St Jeor Equation BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) Score. This score is in beta testing.

Normal Metabolism

Mifflin St Jeor BMR: 1447.27

Adjusted Mifflin St Jeor: 1424.11

FORMA?Fellow One Research Metabolism Activity (FORMA) Adjusted Harris-Benedict Equation Activity Score. This score is in beta testing.

Steady Metabolic Rate

Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculation


BMI Minimal, Moderate, High Risk

Minimal Risk

Research Participant 660 – Body Type Two (BT2) Female (Woman), Generation Z

Fellow One Research Participant Osheen Constable Bio Summary – Body Type Two (BT2)

I have studied The Four Body Types and it is my understanding that I am a Body Type Two (BT2). Obesity has slightly been a problem in my life. My obesity problems started in my life between age 20 and age 24. I was at my heaviest weight when I reached 150 pounds at age 20. The most weight I ever lost was 10 pounds when I was 20. I have not been successful at keeping all that weight off to date. I gained back 8 of those pounds in a span of 2 month(s).

My ride on the obesity weight gain & loss management roller coaster ride has been slightly severe. If/when I put fat weight on my body, it is most likely that I will put the fat weight on in relation to: upper leg/inner thighs, upper leg/back thighs, upper leg/outer thighs, buttocks, midriff/abdomen/belly, upper midriff/diaphragm, shoulders, upper arms/front/biceps, upper arms/back/triceps, inner upper arms/under arms, lower back, lower side trunk/love handles, neck, face, as accurately as I can figure. I attribute mostly my unbalanced diet to my weight problems. On average, obesity is somewhat/questionably common in my family.

Upon careful examination of my spine, vertebra(e) (posture), and muscle/muscle mass, I am confident that the following vertebra(e) in my body are underdeveloped if not undeveloped: cervical 7, thoracic 6, thoracic 12, lumbar 1, lumbar 2, lumbar 3, lumbar 4, lumbar 5, as best I can surmise. I am confident I am a Body Type Two (BT2) because I have between (1) and eight (8) vertebrae undeveloped. I am quite sure my body does not look identical to a Body Type One (BT1) with all muscles developed & defined. My body has not always had the fully developed BT1 classic arch, dimples, vertebrae (posture), and muscle mass. I am certain I do not have the fully developed BT1 classic arch and dimples, which strengthens my belief I'm not a BT1.

Fellow One Research Participant Osheen Constable Identifies as a Body Type Two (BT2) (The Four Body Types)
Biological Gender: Female (Woman)
Current Height: 5'5 inches
Current Weight: 148 pounds
General Age: 20-Something
Actual Age: 21 years old
Generation: Generation Z
Biological Origin: Mostly Black and/or of African Descent
Country: Jamaica
Fellow One Research Participant - The Four Body Types Identifier
Fellow One Research Identifies this ‘The Four Body Types’ Research Participant’s Body Type as a:
Body Type Two (Possible Body Type Three, See Comments Below)
Basic Research Participant Self-Determined (SD) Health Score (5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy)
Basic Fellow One Research Calculated (FORC) Health Score (5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy)**

What Does My Body Type Two (BT2) Mean?

Life is all about balance. Unbalance allows a human being to truly understand balance by recognizing, honestly, what their unbalances truly are. All be it some more than others, all human beings are unbalanced physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, at least to some extent. But most human beings are very unbalanced and unhealthy. The more unbalanced the body type (BT4 is the most unbalanced body type), including metabolism, the more physical work the specific individual person has to do to bring their human body into a state of true physical balance (BT1).

Body Type One (BT1): Physically balanced (Anatomy Standard).

*Fully developed vertebrae, spinal extension (posture), and muscle.
*33 out of 33 Vertebrae Developed and Extended, relative to the 24 Moveable & Two Fixed Bones (0 Vertebrae Undeveloped/Underdeveloped)
*Very Low to Low probabilities of experiencing obesity in the short and long-terms.
*High tendencies to be symmetrical and attractive.
*Mental (mind), emotional (energy in motion), and spiritual (soul/soul energy/star power/IT Factor) balance matters equally as much as physical (body/genetics/DNA) balance.

Body Type Two (BT2): Less Physically Balanced.

*Mostly developed vertebrae, spinal extension (posture), and muscle.
*32 to 22 out of 33 Vertebrae Developed and Extended, relative to the 24 Moveable & Two Fixed Bones (1-8 Vertebrae Undeveloped/Underdeveloped)
*Low to Medium probabilities of experiencing obesity in the short and long-terms.
*Moderate tendencies to be symmetrical and attractive.
*Mental (mind), emotional (energy in motion), and spiritual (soul/soul energy/star power/IT Factor) balance matters equally as much if not more (to make up for physical unbalances) while the BT2 person is achieving to physical (body/genes/DNA) balance.

Body Type Three (BT3): More Physically Unbalanced.

*Moderate to mostly undeveloped vertebrae, spinal extension (posture), and muscle.
*21 to 11 out of 33 Vertebrae Developed and Extended, relative to the 24 Moveable & Two Fixed Bones (9-17 Vertebrae Undeveloped/Underdeveloped)
*Medium to High probabilities of experiencing obesity in the short and long-terms.
*Moderate tendencies to be asymmetrical and unattractive.
*Mental (mind), emotional (energy in motion), and spiritual (soul/soul energy/star power/IT Factor) balance matters even more (to make up for physical unbalances) while the BT3 person is achieving to physical (body/genetics/DNA) balance.

Body Type Four (BT4): Mostly to Fully Physically Unbalanced.

*Mostly to completely undeveloped vertebrae, spinal extension (posture), and muscle.
*10 to 0 out of 33 Vertebrae Developed and Extended, relative to the 24 Moveable & Two Fixed Bones (18-26 Vertebrae Undeveloped/Underdeveloped)
*High to Very High probabilities of experiencing obesity in the short and long-terms.
*High tendencies to be asymmetrical and unattractive.
*Mental (mind), emotional (energy in motion), and spiritual (soul/soul energy/star power/IT Factor) balance matters even that much more (to make up for physical unbalances) while the BT4 person is achieving to physical (body/genes/DNA) balance.

More Fellow One Research Participant Data – Osheen Constable & Skinny Fat, Back Pain, Diet, Exercise, Lifestyle

Skinny Fat & Back Pain

The Four Body Types Research Participant 660, Body Type Two (BT2) Female - Fellow One Research Body Type Shape Quiz/TestSkinny fat has not ever been a serious problem in my life. I never experienced the skinny fat phenomenon in the past and/but I am not experiencing the skinny fat phenomenon in my life at present. After reviewing my body, I am experiencing and/or have experienced skinny fat, cellulite, crepey skin, and/or loose/saggy skin relative to: nowhere as far as I can tell.

On average, I do not experience back aches and pain. I feel back aches and pains in my body in relation to: nowhere and it is directly relative to my Body Type Two (BT2).

Diet (Food & Drink/Hydration)
Basic Self-Determined Research Participant Diet Score (5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy)
Basic Calculated Fellow One Research Participant Diet Score (5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy)**

I believe my daily diet is unhealthy overall. I would say my diet is carnivore-leaning omnivore. I eat 3 meals per day but they are not all nutritionally balanced; I am likely not getting all my nutrients. I eat mostly whole, regular, non-organic food. I drink alcohol once to a few times per month following the recommended 1 glass/day women/2 per day men. I drink the equivalent of 4-6, 8 ounce glasses of clean water daily and am slightly to moderately dehydrated.

Cardio & Resistance (Weight Lifting, Calisthenics (Body Weight), Isometrics/Gravity) Exercise Training
Basic Self-Determined Research Participant Exercise Score (5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy)
Basic Calculated Fellow One Research Participant Exercise Score (5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy)**

Body Type Two (BT2) Female - Fellow One Research Body Type Shape Test - The Four Body Types Research Participant 660In my opinion, my weekly cardio exercise training routine is unhealthy. I do cardio exercise 2x per week. My training is 30 minutes per day. I like the following types of cardio activities: walking, stationary bike, and the like.

My belief is that my weekly resistance exercise training routine is very unhealthy. I do not do any resistance exercise; 0x per week. I enjoy the following kinds of resistance exercise training activities: nothing as it stands now.

My daily work/job/career is not strenuous/active at all, I sit around all day.

Lifestyle (Career, Relationships, Travel, Hobbies, Sleep, etc.)
Basic Self-Determined Research Participant Lifestyle Score (5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy)
Basic Calculated Fellow One Research Participant Lifestyle Score (5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy)**

I think my lifestyle overall is very unhealthy. I get 4 hours of sleep per day/night on average. My daily/nightly sleep, on average, is poor quality as I have trouble sleeping, awaking mostly unrefreshed each morning. I find I am happiest when I partake in the following lifestyle activities: educational opportunities, platonic relationships-friendships, hobbies, spiritual/religious practice/soul searching, entertainment outlets, and such.

No, my doctor(s) has never diagnosed me with a hormone imbalance that negatively affected my weight. I am not currently dealing with a doctor-diagnosed hormone imbalance that negatively affects my weight.

If my diet, exercise, and lifestyle were all very healthy my body would look 100% identical to a Body Type One (BT1) with all muscles/muscle mass properly developed. My genetics/DNA are the indirect reason for my body type shape; diet, exercise, and lifestyle are the main reason. Yes, the soul is real and plays at least an indirect part in human health.

**Elite Athletes and the Like May Skew Results

Fellow One Research Participant, The Four Body Types’ Free Body Type Shape Quiz Calculator – One Question I Would Like Answered:

If I Am Currently Not A Body Type One (BT1), Can I Ever Become A BT1?


29 thoughts on “Research Participant 660 – Body Type Two (BT2) Female (Woman), Generation Z

  1. Comment #2421

    Hi Osheen:

    Thanks for your Fellow One Research Participant, The Four Body Types’ Free Body Type Shape Quiz Calculator submission.

    Please carefully review the above post.

    After reviewing your Quiz data and images, it appears you are a Body Type Two (BT2) with likely underdeveloped cervical 7, thoracic 6, thoracic 12, lumbar 1, lumbar 2, lumbar 3, lumbar 4, and lumbar 5 vertebrae. Your BT1 Classic Arch and Dimples do not look fully developed. Being a BT2 is further supported by your statement, "If/when I put fat weight on my body, it is most likely that I will put the fat weight on in relation to: upper leg/inner thighs, upper leg/back thighs, upper leg/outer thighs, buttocks, midriff/abdomen/belly, upper midriff/diaphragm, shoulders, upper arms/front/biceps, upper arms/back/triceps, inner upper arms/under arms, lower back, lower side trunk/love handles, neck, face, as accurately as I can figure.".

    Please answer the following:

    Looking at the BT1 Dimples and Classic Arch here

    A. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being 100% fully developed, how Developed are your Body Type One (BT1) Dimples?
    B. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being 100% fully developed, how Developed is your Body Type One (BT1) Classic Arch?

    All the years of your life, from 0-21, should be clearly represented in your answers. After double-checking the images here

    C. What years of your life did you look like a Body Type One (BT1), if any?
    D. What years of your life did/have you looked like a Body Type Two (BT2)?
    E. What years of your life did you look like a Body Type Three (BT3), if any?
    F. What years of your life did you look like a Body Type Four (BT4), if any?

    G. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being 100% True, True or False? Every human body is born the same, with the same muscle mass and development, as per every Standard Science/Scientific Human Body Anatomy Book (BT1). Obesity is solely/only about poor diet, laziness/no exercise, and unhealthy lifestyle habits.

    H. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being 100% True, True or False? The spine/vertebrae (posture) & muscle/muscle mass are main, vital components in the scaffolding, structure, & metabolism of the human body as well as it’s balance, health, & appearance, no less, and directly affects body type (one of The Four Body Types).

    I. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being 100% True, True or False? Mainstream science is right, all any human being has to do to lose weight & look like a Standard Scientific Human Anatomy Book Body Type One (BT1) is reduce daily calorie intake & increase daily calorie burn.

      • Comment #2425

        Thanks for the data input. Although the current evidence and facts are more in favor of you being a Body Type Two (BT2), it is not out of the realm of reasonable possibility that you are a Body Type Three (BT3). As the years pass, time will tell.

  2. Comment #2422

    1. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being Makes Real Logical And Reasonable Sense, how Logical And Reasonable would you say the Fellow One Research variables and data are, as you understand them now?

    2. As per #1, Why?

    3. What could be done better to help better explain and show the research data to date?

    • Comment #2424

      10, I think the Fellow One Research variables and data makes logical and reasonable sense. The data was presented in a manner that was easy to understand and flowed well. I was able to get great insight on my body type and correction on previous misconceptions.

      3.the data was presented well. Nothing needs to be changed

  3. Comment #2519

    Comment Type: Exercise

    Exercise Type: Resistance

    Resistance Type: Yoga

    Duration: 0.50 hours

    Time of Day: Mid-Morning

    Name: Plank Pose & Cardio Exercises

    Total Step Count: 250

    Intensity: Slightly Intense

    Hi Gnosis, based on the Fellow One Research Body Shape Quiz it was determined that I fit the criteria for Body Type 2. I want to become Body Type 1, can this be done through consistent exercise? Exercises I do squats, jogging, high-speed running, yoga like plank pose, etc. However, currently I only exercise 1-2 times per week and some weeks I skip more and do less as I am a college student with a schedule that is not normal.

    • Comment #2523

      Hi Osheen:

      Keep in mind, that, as your BMI is right at the edge of the safe weight range, technically, according to mainstream science, you should already look like a BT1. However, you could start with losing a little weight to see if, indeed, once you achieve to the lower end of your safe BMI weight range for your height of 5 feet, 5 inches if you do look identical to a Standard Scientific Human Anatomy Book Body Type One (BT1). If you choose the weight loss route, you will know for sure if you are actually a Body Type One (BT1) and just needed to lose a little weight, or if you really are a Body Type Two (BT2), no less. The Advanced Weight Loss Diary (which you have full access to) allows you to track your data and images over time so you can see what the real truth is.

      That being said, assuming your Quiz results are correct and you are a BT2, building the muscles relative to the anticipated/estimated (the only way to truly know is via an MRI or the like) underdeveloped cervical 7, thoracic 6, thoracic 12, lumbar 1, lumbar 2, lumbar 3, lumbar 4, and lumbar 5 vertebrae identified in your Body Type Shape Quiz is key to achieving to a Standard Scientific Human Anatomy Book Body Type One (BT1).

      Yoga is a great place to start, focusing on specific exercises/poses that help strengthen the specific vertebrae identified in your Quiz. But it is possible you will also have to properly incorporate a weightlifting routine as well that further focuses on those vertebrae. Pilates can also be beneficial. Appropriate exercise consistency including times per week and duration as well as doing the poses/exercises well (quality) are also vital.

      Starting with yoga, which Yoga Poses are you focusing on other than the Plank Pose?

      • Comment #2534

        I am going to start exercising more constantly. I really think that my results are correct in identifying my body as Body Type 2. Therefore, I will continue exercising in an effort to build my undeveloped muscles. I really hope that through this I will be able to attain Body Type 1.

      • Comment #2536

        I will get a gym membership as soon as possible to get started. There I will have a trainer who can help me target building the undeveloped muscles in my thoracic and lumbar vertebrae that were previously identified. I am focusing on various yoga poses including the Bow Pose (Dhanurasana - and Half Lord of the Fishes Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana -

        • Comment #2538

          Many colleges and universities have recreation centers with gyms and access to cardio (treadmill, elliptical, rowing machine, step machine, etc.) and resistance (weightlifting, etc.) equipment as well as trainers; it is usually free to enrolled students. Wishing you all the best on your exercise journey.

  4. Comment #2630

    Comment Type: Diet

    Diet Type: Food Item

    Food Item (Product) Name: Beans, Baked Sweet

    Ingredients: Pea Beans, Water, Tomato Paste, Sugar, Salt, Spices, Vegetable Oil

    Product Manufacturer: Grace

    Calories: 325 (per Can)

    Type of Food: Processed Regular Whole Food

    Hi Gnosis:

    My daily diet is unhealthy, I eat breakfast by 12-1 pm daily and breakfast mostly consists of carbs and fat. My main problem is that most of the food items that I eat daily such as Baked Beans, have a lot of calories and sugar. I also eat a lot of junk food and I snack over 6 times throughout the day. It was previously determined that I have a slow metabolic rate, therefore I burn fewer calories than the average person. How can I speed up my metabolism to become a Body Type 1?

    • Comment #2634

      Hi Osheen: can you please Reply to this Reply and attach an image of the back of the Baked Beans can with ingredients and nutritonal values clearly visible? It will help better answer your question more accurately.

        • Comment #2648

          Thank you. Many college/university students deal with a lack of funds and resources which leaves them with little choice in terms of what they can afford to eat.

          Cheap, low-quality processed food is usually the only option.

          From Ramen Noodles to Fast Food, Junk Food, and Processed Food in vending machines or convenience stores or even the mess hall, choices are not very healthy. The list of low-quality, cheep foods is long and readily/easily accessible. Fact is, unhealthy food has a negative effect on the human body.

          Beans, in general, are very healthy. After reviewing your Food Item, the main ingredient is the pea bean - a type of navy bean (a small white bean known by many names, including white pea bean, small white bean, Boston bean, Yankee bean, or Fagioli bean). The tomato paste, although likely lower quality, is, all things considered, healthy. The spices are questionable (MSG?) but probably ok. The most concerning ingredients are the sugar and salt. I would also include the poor quality “vegetable oil” (likely heavily processed cottonseed or rapeseed or soybean oil or the like), but there is so little that it likely has minimal influence on things.

          The beans do have solid nutrients/nutrition including protein, fiber, copper, folate, iron, calcium, and vitamin A as well as possibly a little lycopene (antioxidant) from the tomato. All in all, there are worse things to eat. And these beans are better than Ramen Noodles and junk/fast food any day. I would assume they are likely easy to store and prepare which makes them a popular choice for college/university students. So long as you are combining the beans with other foods that help give you a complete nutritional profile throughout the day, you will be fine.

          All that being said….

          Muscle is what drives metabolism. Muscle and muscle mass requires more calories (energy) to maintain. Fat takes less calories (energy) to maintain.

          In general:

          1. More muscle = higher basal metabolic rate (BMR) - which is the bare minimum amount of energy (calories) it takes just to run your body’s basic functioning daily.
          2. More fat = lower BMR.
          3. More exercise (cardio and resistance) and work activity (daily work/job) = increased metabolic rate.
          4. Less exercise and work activity = steady metabolic rate.
          5. No exercise and work activity = decreased metabolic rate.

          When you factor in the:

          1. Fellow One Research Metabolic Rate (FORMR) Adjusted Mifflin St Joer BMR/basal metabolic rate score
          2. Fellow One Research Metabolism Activity (FORMA) Adjusted Harris-Benedict Activity) score
          You get an accurate, picture of your specific, personal current metabolism and metabolic rate.

          Eating healthier, higher quality whole foods in your diet is one step to an improved metabolism. However, as it is less likely that you will have the ability to improve your diet much in the short term, all things relative, it is probably more beneficial for you to focus on increasing your exercise.

          This can be done simply by walking more. Instead of driving or riding the bus to class, if reasonably possible, walk. Walk anywhere you can, again, within reason. If you can increase your walking daily, 5 times per week, to 45 minutes to 1 hour, you will watch your metabolic rate slowly increase which means you will burn more calories daily. The more calories you burn, especially if the burn is moderate (not high intensity as the body then shifts to burning carbs as it cannot burn fat fast enough to keep up the highly intense rate otherwise), while maintaining or decreasing daily calorie intake, the more fat you will burn and weight you will lose.

          According to mainstream science that is all you have to do to look like any Standard Scientific Human Body Anatomy Book Body Type One (BT1). Once you reach the lower end of your medically/scientifically safe Body Mass Index (BMI) weight range, if you do not look like the Standard Scientific Human Body Anatomy Book Body Type One (BT1), then you are a Body Type Two (BT2), and the next step would be figuring out how to properly add muscle to the areas of your body that are currently lacking muscles/muscle mass.

          • Comment #2653

            I often pair beans with brown rice, this is cheap on a student budget and I think relatively healthy. I also eat a lot of red meat, therefore this coupled with the amount of fat I store definitely causes my low basal metabolic rate. My Basic Calculated Fellow One Research Participant Diet Score was 3.4, which I think is along the border of healthy and unhealthy therefore, I will certainly try my best to have a better balanced diet and increase my fruit intake.

            • Comment #2656

              Brown Rice and beans are a really good mix to get solid protein, iron, fiber, B-vitamins including Thiamin (B1), Niacin (B3), Pyridoxine (B6), fat, and other necessary nutrients. Yes, too much red meat will cause problems. If there is any way to do more chicken, that would be better. Fruit is outstanding in pretty much every way (maybe some fruits have a little too much sugar, but even then...) Add some greens if you can, vegetables in general. And if you can, add a solid oil especially extra virgin olive oil or flax oil.

          • Comment #2654

            Increasing my exercise has been an issue especially since being at home having online classes, the need to walk from one place to the other has decreased. I often engage in little to no exercise. I plan on changing this as soon as the school year ends, then I will be able to develop a working plan towards increase exercise and develop the art of consistency. I will also use the body type shape quiz and the other materials provided by this forum as a guide.

  5. Comment #2691

    Comment Type: Lifestyle

    Lifestyle Type: Sleep

    Stress Level: High

    Sleep Duration: 4.50

    Sleep Quality: Questionable Quality

    Dream: I Vaguely Remember Dreaming, But No Clear Details.

    Sleep/Wake Schedule: Daytime

    Hi Gnosis, I attend university in China. However, because of the Coronavirus, I returned to my home country in March 2020. Since then I have been having online classes for about 1 year and 2 months. Due to the time difference, I have to attend these classes from 12:30 am to 6:30am/8:10am. I am unable to sleep throughout the night. Therefore I will sleep as soon as class ends, most days I sleep until 12/1/2pm. If I am extremely tired I will even sleep until 3 pm. This has affected mood, I even think the late nights has caused my skin to develop acne more easily. Also because I stay up all night, I will snack in the A.M. sometimes just to stay awake I will eat junk food and drink sweet beverages. I have tried exercising during this time of attending classes, however I find myself too tired to do so. This is why I plan on focusing on exercise once the semester ends. Any ideas on how I can improve my sleep in this odd times?

    • Comment #2696

      That is a very complex situation. Such an abrupt lifestyle change would really throw a monkey wrench into any human beings circadian rhythms and health. There is so much going on here that is unbalanced, which unfortunately is not uncommon for a college/university student.


      Sleep: This is how your body naturally repairs and regenerates itself nightly. It is vital. Current research says that if you have a choice between exercise and sleep (relative to daily averages), sleep is the best choice.

      Serious lack of natural nightly sleep based on normal circadian rhythms (roughly 10pm or so to 8am or so) can be as influential and damaging to health as driving while drunk. The longer you go without normal sleep, on average between 7.5 - 9.0 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night, the more your health suffers. You are young, so you have that benefit to help you through this very tough time in your young life.

      But get back to a natural nightly circadian rhythm sleep as soon as you can, so your body can recalibrate and find more balance and health.


      Diet: We have discussed this already in previous Comments/Replies, but I will clarify that staying away from fatty, especially high fat, sugary (any kind of sugar), empty carb-filled foods before bedtime and sticking to protein and fiber-based foods (like baked beans) will allow your body while sleeping to focus on repairing cells and regeneration in general and less on digestion of fast, junk, and processed foods that are heavy and full of empty carbs/sugar, cheap, low-quality fats, chemicals, and other unhealthy nonsense.

      Even better, make sure you eat your last meal before sleep at least 2 hours (3, 4, 5 hours or so would be even better) before you go to bed to help, as much as possible, to make sure that you are not digesting while you sleep.

      Try liquid stevia (beware, different brands can taste wildly different and some are full of chemicals and other nonsense) in place of sugar.

      Drink lots of clean water.

      This can help your body get through this very hard time of unbalanced, decreased sleep.


      Exercise: as already mentioned in previous Comments/Replies, until you get your sleep back to normal, walk whenever you can. Walk to the mailbox, walk down to see a friend, walk to enjoy the day and outdoors, walk. And then walk some more. All the while drinking lots of clean water. This can really help your body get through this very tough time of odd, limited sleep.

      • Comment #2749

        I have 4 weeks lof school left. After this time has passed I will be able to regain my natural nightly circadian rhythm sleep. I will definitely be sleeping for at least 9 hours per day.

        I have been trying to drink more filtered water to decrease dehydration and help with digestion. When I wake up for class I am often sleepy so I will snack just to help me stay awake and drink something sweet. This may not be a healthy choice, however it has been working for me.

        • Comment #2751

          Drinking more clean water is a great choice. Do your best with the resources you have in this challenging time of your life. Getting through as healthy as you can is the goal. Once you are successfully on the other side then refocusing on your diet, exercise, and lifestyle health will be less stressful.

      • Comment #2752

        For now I have started doing simple stretches and yoga until I am able to start high intensity workouts during my summer break. Thank you for all the advice Gnosis. I definitely appreciate it.